Glass Artist

About John Penman

Blown Glass Sculpture New Zealand

Ko Maungataniwha te maunga
Ko Hokianga te moana
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi
Ko Kohatutaka, Te Ihu Tai te hapu
Ko Ngapuhi Kaiariki Ngapu Taniwharauhi te marae

My Mountain is Maungataniwha
My River is Hokianga
My Canoe is Ngatokimatawhaorua
My Tribe is Ngapuhi
My Sub tribe is Kohatutaka and Te Ihu Tai
My Marae is Ngapuhi Kaiariki Ngapu Taniwharauhi

John Penman grew up in Hong Kong, studied Sculpture in the USA at Rhode Island School of Design - majoring in Glass, and has been running his own studio in Auckland, New Zealand since 1996.

His work has been exhibited worldwide, and can be found in in private as well as in permanent public collections in New Zealand and overseas.

John likes travelling into New Zealand's wilderness for inspiration and is passionate about 60's and 70's black music, which he enjoys with a cold beer after a hot day at the furnace.